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Mission: At Operation Remount Corporation, our mission is to help veterans and first responders mitigate symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety and depression, while also helping American Mustangs find forever homes. By facilitating therapeutic interactions between veterans, first responders, and mustangs, we aim to create a healing environment that benefits both humans and horses.
Vision: Our vision is to provide veterans necessary skills and techniques to mitigate symptoms of PTSD, depression and/or anxiety through a therapeutic relationship with mustang horses while finding quality forever homes for mustangs living in holding pens.
Values: Our program is guided and informed by our beliefs and commitment to –
Humbleness –Understanding, respecting and embracing the fact that humans are imperfect just as wild mustangs are imperfect and that imperfection is a uniqueness that should be loved and celebrated.
Empathy –Having the capacity to recognize, be sensitive to, and emotionally understand past and current experiences of both human and horse.
Connection –Facilitating life-long emotional connection and bonding between human and horse.
Empowerment –Creating an environment for veterans to create self-awareness, confidence and promote being in the moment and being centered and grounded.
Goals: Help veterans & first responders find healing from the invisible wounds of war, trauma, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety or other emotional scars. Facilitate reciprocal healing for the mustangs who have experienced their own trauma of negative human contact from being forcefully gathered and separated from their homes, bands and herds. Placing mustangs in a forever home with the human they bond with or in another appropriate home if the veteran is unable to keep their horse. Provide veterans & first responders with resources after the program in their geographic location for continued learning and growth.
Objectives: Provide 6-week course that includes both didactic and hands on experiences that facilitate learning and healing for both veterans and wild mustangs in a safe and well-monitored environment.